Három hét
Andere titel(s): Selige drei Wochen
Seelige drei Wochen
Genre: Feature film
Jaar: 1917
Beschrijving: The jealous prince Manihiki has to go on a journey and leaves his wife in the custody of his servant. The princess Vjera escapes and meets the count Ivan. They spend three weeks of blissful seclusion. Afterwards Vjera returns to her husband. Years later the lovers arrange a new meeting. Prince Manihiki surprises them and kills her.
Trefwoorden: EFG1914 / World War I / jealousy; infidelity; happiness; murder / Eifersucht; Untreue; Glück; Mord / World War, 1914-1918 -- Hungary / Civilians in war / Motion picture industry
Provider: Deutsche Kinemathek - Museum für Film und Fernsehen
Productiemaatschappij: Hungária Filmgyár
Kleur: Tinted / Toned / Hand coloured
Director: Garas, Márton
Sound: Without sound
Type document :
Language: de